Sunday, December 1, 2019

John Rowans Sub-Personalities Essay Example

John Rowans Sub-Personalities Essay After viewing the Art of Mediation DVD, identify the John Rowan’s sub-personalities from your Reading Assignment for each disputant (Ann and Liz) and explain why you chose the particular sub-personality for each of the disputants. You are permitted to choose more than one sub-personality for each disputant. In addition, select your most predominant sub personality then provide a paragraph about how you believe this will influence your mediation style. Ann-I believe initially before mediation she was The Exploder-she shouted back numerous times no matter the consequence and had a strong energy of frustration.She also was The Please-she wanted everyone to get along and maintain happiness in the business. She was The Hurt Child-her feelings were hurt when her life long friend wanted to end the business without her input. After mediation she became The Warrior/Leader-willing to find a solution to save her passion the business as well as her friendship. Liz-She was definitely The E xploder-she on many occasions just let her emotions out with total disregard. She was also unpredictable and was capable of blowing up at any time. Sometimes she was downright frightening with her actions too.She was a bit The Moaner-numerous times being self righteous and complaining about everything as well as initially not interested in solutions. She was also The Hurt Child-storming out initially in the beginning when Ann was expressing her feelings. Seemed to be very unreasonable in the beginning as well as into the mediation process. After mediation she too became The Warrior/Leader-she had a wider perspective when she communicated with Ann. She was willing to support their new idea for the business as well as maintain her friendship with Ann.I think the sub personality that I attribute myself to is The Warrior/Leader. I believe this suits my personality and I would use in my business practice as well. I am productive, organized, and grounded which would be suitable for my sty le in mediation. I am a strategist and goal setter who always seek solutions in a sensible and rationale and fair way. I think this sub personality is beneficial in my practice as to answer what is mediation all about? Coming together to find sound solutions for people who are in conflict.. 2.Read the below case study then review Harris’s life positions from your Reading Assignment. Identify which life position each character in the case study displays with a full explanation for such selection. 1. Im Not OK, Youre Not OK-position of futility, no way out, everyone is wrong, everyone is damned. 2. Im Not OK, Youre OK-there is something wrong with me, I do not deserve to be treated with respect and consideration, I will be motivated to get away from you, I will accept unachievable targets, take time off, drink too much, resign or self harm. . Im OK, Youre Not OK-there is something wrong with you, I do not need to treat you with respect or consideration. 4. Im OK, Youre OK-I am a valuable human being, I deserve respect and consideration and so do you, I am motivated to get along with you and I will go for what is right and fair for us both. Johnson Rice-Im OK, Youre OK. Johnson has always been a team player with a high work ethic and hoped to recruit those with the same mindset. He would often work late hours and weekends without pay to keep his new venture going.Verily Masters-Im OK, Youre Not OK.. began to make a regular habit of belittling the other partners with her constant bragging about how her credentials as a nurse and her MBA made her the most valuable part of the business. Further she would constantly threaten the other partners that she would start her own business and get paid $300,000 per year without having to teach them all she knew about nursing. Perry Klein-Im Not OK, Youre Not OK.. Perry also believed that he could take the same business idea back to his hometown where he would thrive.Perry believed that his superior sales skills were th e cause for the company’s growing success and he was convinced that he did not need either Johnson or Verily anymore. Perry was also having pains of missing his family. Perrys wife-Im Not OK, Youre OK. was threatening divorce if he could not give her a date and time for his return to the family home. This involved Perry spending countless working hours on the telephone and on elongated vacations during working hours. 3. Read the case study below then review Tuckman’s team development model. Identify and explain each stage of Tuckman’s model as it relates to this scenario.Be very specific. Johnson Rice set up a home health aide business in the basement of his family home. At first the business was relatively small but as it began to grow he realized the need for additional employees. Johnson has always been a team player with a high work ethic and hoped to recruit those with the same mindset. He would often work late hours and weekends without pay to keep his new venture going. Forming-New company just starting out. Verily Masters, a 39 year old woman, with whom Johnson had a dating relationship with many years prior but they remained friends after their breakup in high school.Johnson admired Verily for her background in nursing and her ability to articulate her position to outside referral agencies so Johnson asked Verily if she would consider a partnership to combine their talents. Johnson realized that Verily possessed skills where he had deficits. Verily accepted with joy, since she had just been fired from her last position, for reasons unknown to Johnson. Forming- Gathering information and impressions about each other, and about the scope of the task and how to approach it to benefit the business.Perry Klein, Johnson’s cousin, was the next person that Johnson approached to become the final member of the partnership. Perry lived 1,500 miles away with his wife and children but agreed to relocate to be part of the business venture . Neither Perry’s wife nor children joined him when he relocated for this business venture. Johnson had approached Perry for his sales skills and his ability to connect to community organizations. Forming- Gathering information and impressions about each other, and about the scope of the task and how to approach it to benefit the business. Soon the company began to grow quite rapidly.The headquarters of the company moved from the basement of Johnson’s home to an affluent neighborhood in the suburbs with an operation of more than 100 employees. At first the working relationship among the three partners seemed to go rather smoothly. Johnson continued to work 12 hour days while both Perry and Verily worked 4-6 hour days. As the company began to grow each partner enjoyed a six figure income of $100,000 each. Performing- This is the phase where team members start to come together, developing processes, establishing ground rules, clarifying who does what, and how things will be done.The company is growing as the employees are doing whats needed for the company to succeed. The group seems comfortable within themselves. Lot more independent. About 6 months into the partnership, the honeymoon phase of this partnership ended. Verily began to make a regular habit of belittling the other partners with her constant bragging about how her credentials as a nurse and her MBA made her the most valuable part of the business. Further she would constantly threaten the other partners that she would start her own business and get paid $300,000 per year without having to teach them all she knew about nursing.Storming- Cliques and factions form and there may be power struggles. The team needs to be focused on its goals to avoid becoming distracted by relationships and emotional issues. Once team members begin to familiarize themselves with other personalities in the group, initial power struggles and protective, work practices can begin to get in the way of smooth, effe ctive workflow. Perry was also having pains of missing his family. Perry’s wife was threatening divorce if he could not give her a date and time for his return to the family home.This involved Perry spending countless working hours on the telephone and on elongated vacations during working hours. Perry also believed that he could take the same business idea back to his hometown where he would thrive. Perry believed that his superior sales skills were the cause for the company’s growing success and he was convinced that he did not need either Johnson or Verily anymore. Forming- Individual behavior is driven by a desire to be accepted by the others, and avoid controversy or conflict. Serious issues and feelings are avoided, and people focus on being busy with routines.Johnson was aware of mediation and just wanted everyone to get along. He had learned mediation through a meeting he attended at his local community center. He told the other partners about the process and t hey thought that Johnson was trying to thwart them from the business and became very suspicious. At first they all rejected the notion, until participating in a free consultation with the local mediator. All parties then agreed to participate in mediation as a way to resolve their issues and preserve the friendship/family relationships and heal their business relationship.Storming- Cliques and factions form and there may be power struggles. The team needs to be focused on its goals to avoid becoming distracted by relationships and emotional issues. Once team members begin to familiarize themselves with other personalities in the group, initial power struggles and protective, work practices can begin to get in the way of smooth, effective workflow. The first session was very long as the parties took much time to tell their story from their prospective. The parties soon realized during mediation that policy and procedures, job descriptions, and party expectations had never been memori alized.Therefore all of this as done using the mediation process which resulted in four 3 hour sessions. The parties mediated an effective action plan. Norming- The group become established, and the scope of the groups tasks or responsibilities are clear and agreed. Having had their arguments, they now understand each other better, and can appreciate each others skills and experience. Individuals listen to each other, appreciate and support each other, and are prepared to change their views.

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